How you can contribute to OpenRocket 🚀

OpenRocket is an Open Source project, meaning that the source code is freely available and anybody can help make the software better. You don’t even need coding skills, as there are other things to do as well.

Below are a few suggestions of areas that would need help. If you’d like to participate, you can send us a message on Discord, file an issue for your suggestion on GitHub or join the development mailing list and introduce your ideas there.

To help you guide through the different roles of an OpenRocket contributer you can read our contribution guidelines.

Java development

Below are a few ideas about what kind of input developers can provide or features that could be implemented. For more information see the GitHub issues page and feature roadmap in the distribution TODO-file.

Don’t be afraid to get started and ask for help 🙂. The code base can seem daunting at first, but eventually you’ll get the hang of it – A developer who had no idea what he got himself into, but has greatly enjoyed the ride so far. We are always happy to help you get started and answer any questions you might have. You can also check out our contribution guidelines for more information.

Aerodynamic computation methods

There is still work to be done in the aerodynamic computation methods of OpenRocket. At least the following items need help. I will gladly provide help in creating and even implementing the computational methods.

Documentation tasks

Contributions to the OpenRocket User’s guide are dearly needed. Below are examples of topics.


Testers are both a developer’s best friend and worst nightmare. They test new features and push OpenRocket to the limits to discover new bugs, or propose useful additions to the program. If you noticed anomalies in OpenRocket’s behavior or have a cool idea, don’t be afraid to create an issue on our GitHub repository.
